Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Day Fun!

It all began at about 7pm, January 29th.  Kristin, Brian’s sister, came over for some dinner and brought Sully (her Labradoodle) with her.  As you can see he thoroughly enjoyed the snow!  The snow was just starting to accumulate on the grass.  She didn’t get to stick around long because we didn’t want her getting stuck on the roads!

Snow Day 007 Snow Day 008 

After sleeping in until 8:30 Brian and I got up and made a yummy breakfast of waffles, scrambled eggs, turkey bacon and orange juice.  Then we checked out the accumulation.  Below are a couple shots of some plants and our front yard.

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After spending time in the Word for a bit we decided to hit the slopes!

Snow Day 019

One of the many things I love about our home is how near to Bond Lake Park it is.  We are within walking distance of some pretty incredible sledding hills and boy did we take advantage of that today! (click pictures to enlarge if you’d like!)

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We really enjoyed all the folks that ventured out to sled at Bond Park.  We were even joined by Sion and Dave.  They were good sports :)  Sorry my action shots were not right on target.  These pictures are actually taken by the dam.  Way fewer people and actually a faster, longer ride.  So fun!

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After sledding for about 3 1/2 hours Brian and I decided to head home.  Sion had to work and Dave was meeting up with some friends to do some snowboarding.  We had a lovely walk through the woods and Brian got some fun shots.

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This is the Bond Lake Dock & Boat House

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It is hard to see, but in the picture below Brian wrote me a sweet message.  I didn’t even see it until I was thumbing through the pictures on the camera.  I love that guy!Snow Day 069-1

One more shot of the fun-filled park!
I just loved all the bright colors and crazy winter outfits!Snow Day 038-1

What did YOU do on this North Carolina snow-filled day??


Sarah said...

Oh, I so wish I was there!!! I love snow. I haven't been sledding in ages! What a fun day!

Kristin said...

I love seeing the pics of Sully :) He's loved the drifts today, hops and still runs around real fast. Sledding looks like a lot of fun! I'm glad you picked up the sleds! Brian's message was sweet :) I walked over to Steph's and we made a cake and took the dogs out. Thanks for having me over! I love you guys!!