Friday, January 8, 2010

Intended for Joy

I had a rough afternoon today. I got really upset and angry over really, nothing. I was short with my husband, short with my bosses, and just in an overall crabby mood. It wasn't fun. I didn't want to be upset because I knew I was being upset over something seriously petty. I've been reading this blog for a while and something the author said in one of her posts really encouraged and reminded me. God intended me for joy. When I'm having a "crusty day" (as she puts it), God did not intend it...I'm just quoting her now, so just read her excerpt below!

"So, I want to encourage you...if you are having a crusty day, just know God did not intend for it, but the thief who hates your guts! He likes it when we're crusty and gets a kick out of it when we're impatient with our kids/spouses/friends/strangers because our agendas aren't being met. Tell him to BACK OFF and then, READ THE BIBLE OUT LOUD!... I call it, "Story Time for satan." Let me tell you, he stops bugging you immediately because he HATES God's Word with a passion, but not only that, he HATES it most when you not only read it but you BELIEVE it! Read on... "

Love it. I think I'll go read God's Word out loud now! Be encouraged dear friends!


Kyla Marks said...

wow, thanks Debbie...what a powerful post, thanks for sharing. I've been struggling with impatience today and this is just what the Lord intended for me to read...I'll probably copy part of this and put it on my blog

Michelle said...

thanks for sharing Debbie, I've been struggling with impatience since my eye surgary and quitting smoking. the was Very powerful message had me in tears. Taking this advice to heart. 8)

Becky said...

Hey Debs, thanks for sharing this. I meant to comment earlier but didn't. I liked the truth of it. Love you. Thanks for being my encourager.