Friday, January 1, 2010

House Update #4--UPDATED!

The house projects continue. When we moved into our house we knew that we'd eventually have to replace the in, that would be one of the first things we would want to do, after painting and popcorn-ceiling removal. We're getting closer to completing that project; in the meantime we completed another major project, Hardwood Floors.

I actually thought hardwoods would be something that we'd maybe get installed later down the road, as in several years from now. Just thinking of the time and effort that would go into installation, not to mention the cost, was overwhelming. Brian contemplated installing them himself. Honestly, I was a bit nervous for him to tackle flooring our entire downstairs by himself (with the help of any friends that might be gung-ho like him). I imagined months of no furniture and hours of frustration.

As Brian researched and looked at samples, interviewed installers and priced out different types of flooring I think he realized what a monumental task something like installing floors by yourself would be. He also recognized the value of having a professional install the floors; because it was such a large investment we wanted them done correctly. Also, after some advise from a godly friend, he also determined that going with a professional would probably be better for our marriage!

We also waffled back and forth on whether to do just the downstairs or continue the flooring up the stairs and through the hallway. In the end, Brian convinced me that it would look better and would make everything flow nicely to do the stairs and upstairs hallway. So, we bit the bullet and went for it. I'm so glad he has a better eye for style and design than I! I really enjoy the finished product.

I know you're just itching to see the photos, so here ya go.

Oh, and look at that. I accomplished my goal of updating the blog this week!


Michelle said...

Debbie, that is just to funny, you posted this blog today because Les and I where @ Lowe's today looking into all the different hardwood floors and talking to an installer. We are just now starting our journey with the installing hardwood floors.

congrats they look great! 8)

Becky said...

Yay! An update! The floors look great! Can't wait for the carpet to get installed and ALL the furniture put back in place :) Keep up the good work!

Lael said...

Looks great! I love that you did the upstairs hallway!!!

Sarah said...

Looks great!! I like the color of wood!