Friday, June 17, 2011


We're ATL bound for the weekend!  Looking forward to spending a few days with my dad!  Haven't seen him since New Years.  

Mom is in CO hanging out with her SIX sisters.  They've created this club called the "Baa Baa Sisterhood" (sort of like the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, but different) and since their parents. (my grandparents) have passed away they have made it a point to get together and take a sister trip once  a year.  Why Baa Baa you ask?  Well, her maiden name is, I kid you not, GOATS!  Love it!  So, really, my family is just a herd of goats :o).  Will miss getting to see her but was glad she made the trip to NC to visit before she left for her adventures.  Oh, in addition to her six sisters she also has three brothers.  Indeed, they are a herd!

This weekend we're planning to take in a Braves game, maybe play some tennis and just hang out.  Looking forward to a relaxing trip.  I know it's going to go by quick, but relishing the fact that we get to visit.  Brian and I might also checkout Blueprint Church on Sunday.  It's the home church of Christian rapper Lecrae!  We've heard good things about the church from family and I'm pumped to attend and worship there!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!  Anyone got anything interesting/fun planned?


Vanessa Washburn said...

That sounds like a fun place to worship. Let me know if it was good, sine I visit my mom in Atlanta a few times each year (and Zach hates the church I grew up at). Hope you have a good time.

SoccerDave said...

I named my son after my mothers maiden name. I now expect you guys to name your first kid after your mothers maiden name!!!

Crystal said...

I could only bring myself to a "meh" this time because I wish you were in town. :(

Have fun on your trip.

Becky said...

HAHAHAHAH DAVE! That's hilarious. Anyways, I was excited to get to be an honorary member of the sister trip. They missed you! Glad you had a good time in ATL, and yay for Blueprint Church. It rocks!