Saturday, May 7, 2011


Today we celebrated Brian’s 28th birthday!  He liked 3 of the 4 presents he got from me, I think.  You can tell by the smile on his face how much he enjoyed each gift.

Exhibit 1:  IMG_3629
Brian SUPER excited about his Lacoste shirt!

Exhibit 2:  IMG_3630
Brian excited about his Mumford & Sons cd (I think he had guessed this gift already)!

Exhibit 3:  IMG_3633
Brian not excited about his watch but trying to look like he is.

He also go a mixed CD from me with some new music we’ve been listening to lately.  It’s good for road trips…which is nice b/c we have several coming up this summer!  Yippee!!  Oh, and a Ring of Fire frisbee to add to his collection.  I guess it was his “retirement” disc :(. 

After opening presents we went to Panera and enjoyed a relaxed breakfast and some good quality time, reading the Word and talking about life.  Then it was off to Brier Creek to pick up cupcakes for the evening’s dinner.

The big adventure for the day was hitting up our favorite trail in the area.  The 286 near Umstead/Crabtree.  Brian convinced me to bring along our camera this time and we put together a very amateur video of our trip.  I did not have the best day on the trail and fell really hard 3 times.  Was thankful to have my helmet on for one fall as I pretty much got whiplash and smacked my head on the ground pretty hard.  All in all it was a good time and as always we enjoyed the trail due to it not being very crowded, lots of fun jumps and downhills, nice uphills for a good workout and of course the beautiful area in general.  Enjoy the video!

A little video we threw together from our trip on Brian’s birthday.









After mountain biking we came home and relaxed a bit before heading out for dinner with a few friends at Lucky 32’s.  Fun fact: Brian and I had our first date at a Lucky 32s in Raleigh (before it closed)!  Thanks everyone for coming out to celebrate Brian and what a wonderful guy he is!  Love you, Brian!  So thankful to have you as my husband and get the chance to make you feel special.

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Becky said...

Very fun video! I'm glad he had a good birthday!! Miss you guys.

Kara @ Just1Step said...

Yay fun times. Happy (late) birthday to Brian. :)

Jack said...

Goulash greetings from Budapest!