Saturday, January 15, 2011

Rule #32

Enjoy the little things! 
Sometimes you just have to take a moment, slow down, and notice the small things that you might otherwise overlook.


I noticed at work the other day that myself and several other girls happened to be wearing jeans with boots.  I thought it was funny that we all happened to do so on the same day!  They humored me by allowing me to take this picture.  From left to right: Jennifer, me, Tiffany & Sara.  There was one other girl with her boots on as well, but unfortunately she didn’t make the picture.

It was nice to take a moment and enjoy something small :).  It made me smile at work, and that’s always a good thing!


Kara @ Just1Step said...

Haha that's funny. And cute that you wanted to take a picture. :)

Becky said...

So fun :) I'm wearing my jeans and boots today! (Sunday) So comfy.