Friday, October 9, 2009

Computer Crash

Yep, that's right. My trusty old Dell went kaput. That's onnnnnnne of the reasons the blog hasn't been updated, along with all my pictures going bye-bye. I still have the pictures I backed up....a YEAR ago...sigh. Oh well. Guess I need to bust out the camera again and start taking pictures again :). It's just sad to think of how many pics are gone...good thing I blogged some of them!

So, maybe I'll have time to update the blog this weekend. We got Columbus Day off on Monday; a nice treat. I've got painting on the brain--I hope to get our master bedroom done this weekend!

Never fear my faithful few...there will be more posts...I promise...mwahaha.


Becky said...

sorry to hear about the computer! I remember that with mine and it was so sad. but the pictures do get built back up. love you!!

Zack said...

Duh Duh Duh!

It's super-geek to the rescue!

Hey, FYI, there are lots of ways your computer could 'go kaput', but not all of them involve your data being lost.

What happens when you turn on your computer?

If it's worth it to you, there's almost always a way to get your data back.

Let me know if you're interested...

Kara @ Just1Step said...

Aw that's so sad Debbie!! So sorry about losing everything on your computer...especially the pictures. :(

Did you get it fixed or do you have to get a new one?

Tricia F said...

Must be something in the air. My computer (also a Dell) also went 'kaput' this week. Weird.