Saturday, August 22, 2009

Travels Galore

Ok, maybe not galore. As I told you recently, Brian headed to Seattle last week and got back this past Tuesday. Before he went there we took a mini vacation with Sion and Emily to Hilton Head. Here are a couple of pics. I was horrible with the camera so there aren't many!

Can you believe the size of that squash and zucchini?! Homegrown from the Stone's garden :)

On the trip back Brian's odometer rolled over to 150,000!

Here are some pictures of Brian's trip to Seattle! He did a great job and some are very artistic. I wouldn't be surprised to find several of the bridge pictures printed and framed on some lucky wall in our house sometime.

Here's a video of the famous flying sockeye!

1 comment:

Becky said...

great post!! loved the pics of the bridge!! good job brian.

nice video too :)

HEY! My word recognition thing is AMISH hahaha nice